October 26, 2020

Home RENO Before & After Flooring Edition

 Hi Friends! Today was wood flooring installation day and I couldn't be happier. I decided to post the before and after pictures of the floors so that you see them on my blog and just stare at how much of a change it makes in the space. 

One of my favorite features about my home is the old wood flooring; for the most part the wood flooring is in good condition with the exception of some termite damage. But that's to be expected at 90 years old. The floors in the Master Suite when I bought the house was covered in carpet, that was just tucked underneath the trim. I personally can't do wall to wall carpet due to allergies and it's just not my favorite. So I literally pulled up the carpet in the room and found that the original wood floors lay underneath. However, I also found that whoever painted the room also dropped lots of paint on the floor and the residue from the carpet was stuck on what potentially could be beautiful wood floors. I also discovered plywood where there was possibly wood damage from something but I'm not sure what though. So I got an estimate to find the same kind of flooring and replace the plywood. But I found that it was outrageously expensive and the floors would not be quite the same due to the age of the original floors and blending in the new. So redoing the whole flooring was a better and less expensive option and in the long run a great investment.

I'm very happy with the wood option that I picked out and it blends so well with the rest of the house which is what I was going for. Thanks for stopping by and now its time to do some furniture ordering and decorating.

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